Data Warehouse

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Data Warehouse

Datawarehouse4u portal delivers information about Data Warehouse technology. In one place you can find descriptions of ETL and BI tools, the most popular Data Warehouse architectures, solutions, engines and many others. On our pages you can find overview and general very useful information about whole Business Intelligence market. In the News section you can gather a piece of information about Data Warehouse and BI events and seminars. If you want to gain optimum value from information assets in your organization is the first step that you should take.

Data Warehouse Architecture

Data Warehouse Architecture

Data Warehouse definition by William H. Inmonna:

A data warehouse is a:
  • subject-oriented
  • integrated
  • timevarying
  • non-volatile
  • collection of data in support of the management's decision-making process.

    A data warehouse is a centralized repository that stores data from multiple information sources and transforms them into a common, multidimensional data model for efficient querying and analysis.


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